Future planning is creating a guideline for a person with an intellectual or developmental purpose to lead a good life/your desired life as an individual independently. We, in 10R have been extensively researching and creating our ideal future using careful and thorough planning. With this information, we hope to carry these plans out and make them a reality.
My understanding of a career is an occupation or profession undertaken for a significant period of a person's life with the intentions of acquiring knowledge, money, connections, relationships etc. Your desired career can sprout from inspiration or motivation to want something of interest to you.
An enterprise is defined as a project or undertaking, especially a bold or complex one. In other words, a business or company. It is a term used in the commercial world used to describe a project undertaken in the hope for gain. Gain for wealth, gain for knowledge, gain for communication and so on. An example that accentuates this, is a new start-up business. Entrepreneurs are individuals or groups of individuals that build/have built the courage, initiative, skill set and knowledge necessary to carry out these massive projects. Although they are fully aware of the risks that come with creating a business, the “give back” is just too high to back out. “It’s not about the ideas, it’s about making those ideas the reality.”
An entrepreneur is a person who sets up a business/businesses, taking on the financial risk in the hope of profit. They devise a plan to reap the rewards, also bearing the burden of the risk factor accompanying it. They form unique ideas which evolve into an operation which will hopefully bring financial benefit to themselves. These individuals are very 'get-go’, and will find the simplest route to the rewards with minimal risk. This requires a high level of thinking, observation, communication, connecting, intellectually and developmentally. But it’s not as easy as it seems. Entrepreneurship comes with hard work, dedication, consistency and overall attitude to learn and fail. “Failure is the key to success.”
Each of these key concepts correlate to each other but also aid us in the decision of what we’d like to do as we progress through life. An obstacle I identified while venturing through the journey of a topic was finding what I really wanted to do. It is a hard decision to choose something you’d want to be comfortable doing for the next twenty to thirty, even forty years from now. This opened my eyes and made me realize the enormous and vast amount of options our generation has. We have been left with the task to keep humanity going, and most of us now are just realising that. But this is not definite. “A goal without a plan is just a mere wish.”
Planning someone's future, such as my own, was foreign to me but I slowly adapted and made a rhythm. I feel this rhythm allowed me to gain deeper understanding and inspired me to take action about it. To be able to study the future career you want to see yourself in was fascinating but also daunting.
This topic of Social Studies really made me realise how fast life moves and that in a couple of years, I will be in the same position as my parents. Providing for your family, yourself, paying bills, paying for your own food etc. This really made me think hard and realise, I don’t want to be in the same position my parents are in. I don't want to have to pull out every cent to pay the rent. I don't want to have to worry about the expenses. I want to do the most whilst I'm young and dumb, so I can learn from it and not make those childish mistakes when I'm older. “Do the hard work in the beginning, and enjoy the end sufficiently.”