Monday, October 21, 2019

Paper Tower Activity

In Te Ngahere we did a STEAM activity. Our task was to create the tallest tower only using two sheets newspaper and 30 centimetres of tape. We had 20 minutes to come up with an idea to make a tower using the material we were given. What worked well was that our team was able to collaborate and use each other's ideas to create something that we were proud of. Even though our tower wasn’t able to stand, we still thought that our result was enough for it to be a good team's effort. What our group found most difficult was the base of the tower. Just after the 15 minute mark our group came up with an idea. During the end our group had to rush because our base wasn’t strong enough for it to stand on its own. I reckon I did well in helping my team out and making the tower. Next time I could probably come up with a better idea for it to actually work. To also think of another way where it plays by the newspapers strengths, not weaknesses. Which in the activity we were doing, we thought the paper was stable enough to stand by itself but it what too flimsy and our idea didn’t work. See ya.