Saturday, February 29, 2020

School Gala Day

Today at Bay of Islands College, we are having a whole community Gala Day. There are many stalls and activities for all ages to participate in as well as school students performing their talents on stage for everyone to see. So far, I've enjoyed my time in this Gala Day. I enjoyed playing all the activities this morning and shooting hoops in the gym. My overall opinion on this Gala Day is that it's one of the most entertaining Gala Days I've been to. I've enjoyed seeing people from around the community come to BOIC and spend time with each other.


  1. Kia ora Izaiah, you've written an excellent blog around the Gala Day, that explains your overall experiences on the day. Well done. Mrs Wigglesworth

    1. Thank you Mrs Wigglesworth. I appreciate your kind and thoughtful comment towards my work/post.

  2. Hi Izaiah this is great advertising for our college, well done keep up the good work.
